Equestrian City – Concept Art – Heroes

Being a writer with little art skill, I look to others to draw what I see in my head. Here’s some samples for Equestrian City! Unfamiliar with the idea? Read this short intro, takes place near the end of Equestria Girls:Rainbow Rocksrd_colortest_final_2_by_darthmind-d8flh03

This was my first drawing of Rainbow Dash, her superhero name being “Shadow Strike”. Toying with the idea of having her lose her sight or at least some of it, I thought it would be more inspiring in a way she wouldn’t give up and keep fighting, compensating with tech and keeping her handicap a secret from most. A mixture of Batman, Daredevil, and Robin, she’s what I like to call a natural hero. No Flight, no super speed, just outmaneuvering and out fighting the enemy! πŸ™‚

heroes aj

Applejack took on a Batman like persona first, but then I passed that onto Dash. I thought about it for a while and realized she was practically a shoe in for the country girl turned super hero archetype. She just screams Smallville I think, after the event she’s forced to move into the city and help her Uncle Julius (Yes I’m keeping that name :P) Orange. A mixture of Superman and Ms. Marvel, her outfit was more inspiried by the latter. Flight, strength and a near impermeable skin gives her the name of “Impervia”

heroes twilight

The last one I’m talking about today is Twilight Sparkle. When designing her I had to keep in mind she was the only one completely out of place in the world and after the “event” that creates the world, she’s now trapped there seeminly forever. I didn’t picture her sitting around moping. I imagined she’d start to do what she always did: Read. After learning that world’s “magic” she became to incorporate inΒ  a way that could tap into her ability to use magic (elementals, sonic, ect) and channel it. The outfit from Power Ponies would have been more then likely Spike’s idea. Becoming a mixture of Tony Stark and Witchcraft from Champions, she takes the name of the “Masked Matter-horn” for real this time!

Thanks for reading, PLEASE give me some feedback if you get a moment, it’s hard to shape clay (write, think, hone) that is my story without SOME input. πŸ˜‰


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